Biopharma Process Systems Ltd

Biopharma Process Systems Ltd

Biopharma House, Winnall Valley Rd, Winchester SO23 0LD, United Kingdom

Pilot & R&D Freeze Dryers

Pilot & R&D Freeze Dryers

Pilot & R&D Freeze Dryers

Genesis Freeze Dryer

Unequalled for design and capabilities, the Genesis is the most versatile freeze dryer for pilot, research or small scale production applications.

Its advanced product monitoring and process control make it ideal for research and with a user-friendly interface it is perfect for laboratories with multiple products or formulations to investigate. An ergonomic layout allows easy inspection of the vacuum pump and facilitates oil changes, which can be made quickly and cleanly in the laboratory environment.

Genesis is available with up to six bulk drying shelves (five vial processing shelves).  An expanded range of shelf arrangements, available with a shelf latching kit, allows you to configure it to process a wide variety of vial sizes.

The user friendly ‘Wizard 2’ microprocessor control system allows storage of up to 16 different multi-step freeze-drying recipes.

With shelf area up to 0.85m2 shelf area and condenser capacity up to 35litres, Genesis can also be used for scale-up work and small-scale processing. The extensive range of options includes:

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