Delphin Technology AG

Delphin Technology AG

Lustheide 81 51427 Bergisch Gladbach Germany

ProfiSignal 20

ProfiSignal 20

ProfiSignal 20

ProfiSignal 20 is the new and modern complete software for applications in the field of data acquisition and analysis, visualization and process control. With ProfiSignal 20 you can now visualise and analyse your measured data platform-independently and monitor and control your processes without any effort.

Platform independent software for measuring and testing technology

ProfiSignal 20 is highly user friendly and combines versatile functionality with first-class usability. Profi Signal 20 is logically structured and easy to understand regardless of whether you are processing just a few or a few thousand channels.

You can use the measurement software on the desktop PC in your office or on the measurement computer in the control center. Due to its future-oriented platform independence, ProfiSignal 20 can also be used on tablets and smartphones. No matter what your individual requirements are: ProfiSignal 20 impresses with innovative possibilities that make your work much easier and also save a lot of time.

ProfiSignal 20 is modular, scalable and available in two versions:

ProfiSignal 20 Go takes you from measurement data to detailed graphical portrayals in just a few clicks.

ProfiSignal 20 Basic lets you create sophisticated and detailed visualisations of installations and processes while also enabling easy process control.

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