DeNovix Inc.

DeNovix Inc.

3411 Silverside Rd Hanby Building Wilmington, DE 19810 USA

Cell Counting Assays

Cell Counting Assays

Optimized for CellDrop™ Cell Counting Workflows

DeNovixCellDrop Assay Kits are simple to use and designed for Brightfield and Fluorescence applications preloaded on CellDrop instruments. DeNovix offers multiple assay kits for cell counting viability assessment, including Acridine Orange / Propidium Iodide (AO/PI) for the CellDrop FL Fluorescence Cell Counter.


Optimized for CellDrop Applications

Cell Counting and Viability

Rapid Incubation

Integrated into EasyApps® Software

Simple Mix-and-Measure Assay

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