Meissner Filtration Products, Inc.

Meissner Filtration Products, Inc.

1001 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93012 USA

FlexStation® Rigid Outer Containers

FlexStation® Rigid Outer Containers

FlexStation® Rigid Outer Containers

Shipping and storage containers for single-use systems.

FlexStation® rigid transport and shipping containers are available in standard sizes of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 liters to fit Meissner’s TepoFlex® 3D biocontainers. These durable plastic outer containers are reusable and collapsible for storage and handling when not in use. Custom stainless steel carts provide enhanced mobility for both empty and fully deployed FlexStation® ROCs.

When used in combination, Meissner’s One-Touch® single-use systems portfolio of TepoFlex® biocontainers deployed in FlexStation® rigid outer containers has been qualified for liquid transport in accordance with International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) Series 3 testing. FlexStation® containers complement Meissner’s line of single-use TepoFlex® biocontainers to provide robust fluid management solutions ideally suited for intra-facility transfers and inter-facility transport of buffers, culture media, and bulk product, or simply as a cost-effective alternative to stationary stainless steel storage bins.

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