

1075 Main St, Ste 140, Waltham, Massachusetts, 02451

Electronic Data Capture (EDC)

Electronic Data Capture (EDC)

As an industry leading clinical research solutions provider, OpenClinica’s electronic data capture (EDC) platform takes clinical data management to a whole new level. We automate electronic data capture (EDC) with dynamic, comprehensive electronic case report forms (eCRFs) for clinical trials, enabling researchers to collect better data, faster. Build, capture, and report on your clinical data with ease thanks to the power of OpenClinica.


Define, order, and re-order your events and forms on a drag-and-drop interface.

Collaborate with your team on that same interface. Audit logs ensure that no changes are lost.

Update your forms as needed: the study build system will track versioning for you.

Preview the forms exactly how they’ll appear and function for your users from within the build system.

Publish to a test or production environment in less than a minute.

Invite study managers and sites with permissions you control.

Create a site or user once, and the system stores the record for use in other studies.

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