Silica Gel Desiccants - Sorbead India

Silica Gel Desiccants - Sorbead India

Prayosha Complex, 304-307, Sorbead India, Chhani Jakatnaka, Vadodara, Gujarat 390024



Laminated and Aluminum tubes have found widespread use in various day to day applications of various types of packing and pharmaceutical applications to the storage of creams, ointments, lotions, gels, cosmetics etc.Sorbead India is an authorized distributor for Montebello packaging from Canada in whole of Asia, which provides high quality Aluminum and laminated tubes. Montebello, Canada has a 50 year history of making the best aluminium tube products in the industry. All laminated and aluminium tube products are approved by the USFDA & CANADIAN FDA and are made to the highest quality and safety standards in the world of packaging.Sorbead India distributes the following products:

Aluminium Tubes-Available in various types with tamper evident features and options, cap resins and different cap choices. Customized tube design can be made for high volume customers with customized six color printing and tube sizes starting with a ½ inch diameter. These tubes can be recycled and 100% re-utilization is possible, which makes them extremely eco-friendly.

Laminated Tubes- Uses high quality aluminium and polymers which give these tubes a plastic like feel and have minimal seams. Laminate flat sheets are sourced from world leading manufacturers and Montebello does prints and finishes them in high quality printing presses for the highest quality finish. These sheets are feed into automated machines which create tubes and seal them based on customer requirements. Pharmaceutical Tubes have the feel of plastic and strength of aluminium.

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