UPM Pharmaceuticals

UPM Pharmaceuticals

501 5th Street Bristol, TN 37620

Semi-Solid Dosage

Semi-Solid Dosage

Semi-Solid Dosage

cGMP Manufacturing & Packaging of Creams & Ointments

Semi-solid dosage manufacturing, including development and commercialization, requires specialized expertise across testing, formulation, and production to achieve the desired quality attributes and therapeutic effect. For these semi-solid products, in particular, ensuring the appropriate distribution of API and excipients is essential for creating a product that is both efficacious and marketable, making consistency at the product and process levels a key factor to success with semi-solids.

Semi-Solid Dosage Operations

UPM has extensive experience bringing semi-solid OTC and Rx products to market, with cGMP production capacity for 1,300,000 kilogram units annually of creams and ointments per year on a single shift.

Our expertise spans all phases of the semi-solid manufacturing and packaging process, from analytical and formulation development to commercial-scale manufacturing and pharmaceutical packaging.

Semi-Solid Dosage Guidance

Whether you’re partnering with UPM from the start or coming to us by way of pharma technology transfer, we will offer proper semi-solid dosage guidance and implement the optimal processing conditions to maintain homogeneity at all scales while ensuring proper particle distribution and product consistency.

Semi-Solid Capabilities

  • Analytical Development
  • Formulation Development
  • Tech Transfer and Scale-up
  • Commercial Manufacturing From 200 to 2000 Gallons
  • Automated Jar and Tube Packaging Lines
  • Semi-solid Manufacturing in 200- to 300-Gallon Pressure Vessels
  • Offline Serialization (Aggregation Preparation in Process)

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