

8849 Brookside Avenue, Suite 201 West Chester, OH 45069


Celebrating 50 years in business

AirPro has grown steadily in size, capabilities, skill set, etc. over the years. Our roots as dust collection and fan suppliers have expanded to today’s version of the company, where we are a true design-build supplier for dust control, mist control, air handling, and ventilation systems. Our customers ask us to provide a single-point source of supply and we have met the challenge, forming many great partnerships in virtually all industrial fields. Our commitment is to continue to improve ourselves to be even better. The last 50 years have been great and the future is even brighter.

Why You Should Choose AirPro

AirPro operates with a true, team-oriented approach to addressing client’s needs.  Our staff possesses a great deal of application and service experience in virtually every category of industrial manufacturing.  The collaborations between our experts ensure the right solution to the challenges brought forth by our clientele and allows projects to be completed in a timely, professional, and cost-effective manner.  As a result, customer loyalty is very high, allowing us to build great long-term working relationships.  These successes allow AirPro to continue to grow, expand, and reinvest in the company in order to create even greater value for our clients.